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«When I dance, I don’t try to outdo anyone but myself. »

Mikhaïl Barychnikov

‘Dance’ is related to the Sanskrit word ‘tanha’, which means ‘joie de vivre’.

It is a natural state that joyfully connects us to our bodies and that sometimes lies dormant in us for a long time, impatiently waiting for the right moment, the right space or the right encounter before it dares to express itself.

It is a burst of energy that knows no age limits or prejudices and that, once it has been unleashed, cares little about what others have to say.

It requires no other natural ability than the desire to get closer to oneself and a touch of fun, humour and daring.


The Dance Department offers a range of weekly classes and workshops for children, teenagers and adults, from beginners to advanced.

These courses can be taken as part of the core curriculum or, for those with a background in music or drama, as a complementary option to enrich the development of stage presence and postural well-being.


The workshop allows the various technical elements covered in the dance courses to be used for creativity, acting and play.

Unlike the course, the workshop is not a succession of exercises, but a space and time entirely devoted to a theme or aspect of dance as a stage and theatre art.COURS ADULTES - ENVIE DE DANSER ?
Envie de développer une relation plus intime et harmonieuse avec votre être intérieur, d’accorder une écoute plus sensible à votre corps, d’aller à la rencontre de votre mouvement personnel, de votre créativité, de renouer avec l’agréable sensation de bien-être qu’un corps vif, alerte, souple et tonique procure ?
Vous êtes les bienvenus tout au long de l’année pour assister à un cours en tant que spectateur, ou directement vous jeter à l’eau.

Weekly course structure

Awakening I, ages 3 to 4 – 45 minutes

Awakening 2, ages 5 to 6 – 45 minutes

Initiation 1, ages 6 to 7 – 50 minutes

Initiation 2, ages 7 to 8 – 50 minutes

Preparatory 1 and 2, ages 9 to 11 – 60 minutes

Primary 1 and 2, ages 12 to 14 – 75 minutes

Intermediate 1 and 2, from the age of 14 – 2 x 60 minutes

Secondary 1 and 2, from the age of 16 – 2 x 75 minutes

Adult course – 75 to 90 minutes depending on the number of students



Classical and neoclassical dance

In general, ‘classical dance’ includes both ballet techniques and ‘neoclassical’ techniques, the latter of which is more a form of orientation or stylistic development that occurred in the 1950s than a technique in itself.


Contemporary, modern, jazz and modern jazz dance

Among the fundamentals of contemporary dance, we explore all the different approaches of the classical technique, including improvisation and body discovery, as well as the main elements of modern techniques.By ‘modern dance’ we mainly refer to the Graham, Cunningham and Norton techniques.



Depending on interest and demand, and given the limited space available at AIDA-LÉMAN, we complement the Dance Department’s offerings with themed courses, workshops and seminars on Saturdays.This allows us to encourage a one-off approach to another technique and intensify the week’s work. We run traineeships and seminars related to future performances, concerts and events at the academy.

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